Insolvency and Restructuring

Kellerhals Carrard has a team of insolvency law specialists who play a leading role in the insolvency and restructuring of companies in Switzerland. We advise management bodies with regard to the measures to be taken in the event of impending insolvency, we represent financial creditors, debtors and companies that acquire assets from financially stricken companies and act as extraordinary receivers.

We are supported here by our colleagues at Kellerhals Carrard in other areas, such as competition law, corporate law, real estate law, and tax law. We advise on restructuring projects with the aim of finding innovative solutions that are beneficial to all parties involved and in some cases are able to avoid insolvency proceedings. We are also involved in national and international foreclosure as well as in formal bankruptcy and composition proceedings.


  • Representing foreign financial and holding companies in major Swiss insolvency proceedings
  • Liquidation of an insolvent securities dealer and a bank that operates without the authorization of FINMA
  • Liquidation of a branch of a foreign bank
  • Advising the liquidators of the holding company of an insolvent international investment bank on their assets located in Switzerland
  • Representing management bodies in liability proceedings due to alleged delay in insolvency
  • Preparing various legal opinions on national and international issues of insolvency law
  • Drafting bankruptcy law for a foreign country
  • Supporting foreign bankruptcy administrators in the recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings in Switzerland and repatriation of assets



"L'entreprise, sa direction unique et leurs conséquences, ou des Konzernoberleitungspflichten des organes de la société mère", publication des actes de la journée CEDIDAC du 8 mai 2020, Collection lausannoise, volume 76, Stämpfli Editions, 2021, pp. 1 à 19

Prof. Dr. Henry Peter
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

« La responsabilité des organes en droit de la société anonyme » (en ligne).

Edgar Philippin
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

« Legge COVID-19. Aspetti aziendali »

Edgar Philippin
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

« Ristrutturazioni societarie transfrontaliere »

Edgar Philippin
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

« Questions choisies en matière de loi sur la fusion, en particulier la fusion squeeze-out »

Edgar Philippin
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

The Thin Line Between Solvency and Insolvency: Issues of Corporate Governance in a Distressed Context

Dr. Lukas Bopp

Further publications

Further publicationsLegal News

« Art. 1 » in Corona-Kredite für KMU. Umsetzung des Massnahmenpakets und Kommentierung des Covid-19-Solidarbürgschaftsgesetzes

Dr. Beat Brechbühl, Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Chenaux, Prof. Dr. Thomas Nösberger, Edgar Philippin
Further publicationsPublications

Distressed M&A, in: Switzerland in Swiss M&A Practice Guide, 2nd ed., London 2020 (zusammen mit Lukas Bopp)

Dr. Lukas Bopp, Dr. Emanuel Dettwiler
Further publicationsPublications

Insolvenzrechtliche Massnahmen zur Bewältigung der Corona-Krise

Dr. Lukas Bopp
Further publicationsPublications

Distressed M&A in Switzerland (zus. Mit Emanuel Dettwiler), in Practice Guides Swiss M&A 2020

Dr. Lukas Bopp
Further publicationsPublications

Kommentierung von Art. 59-65d, 174b und 175 IPRG in: Grolimund/Loacker/Schnyder (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar zum IPRG, 4. Aufl., Basel 2020

Dr. Lukas Bopp

Scientific publications

Scientific publications

"Les groupes de sociétés sont (parfois) des sociétés simples: retour sur sujet et état des lieux", in Mélanges en l'honneur du Prof. Walter A. Stoffel, Institut Droit et Economie, Institut für Recht und Wirtschaft, Marc Amstutz/Isabelle Chabloz/Michel Heinzmann/Inge Hochreutener (éds.), Schulthess, 2014, pp. 121 à 147

Prof. Dr. Henry Peter
Scientific publicationsCommentaries

"Commentaire des articles 213 et 215 à 218 LP", en allemand, in Kurzkommentar SchKG - Schuldbetreibungs- und Konkursgesetz, deuxième édition, Ed. Daniel Hunkeler, Bâle (Helbing & Lichtenhahn), 2014, pp. 945 à 950 et pp. 954 à 973

Prof. Dr. Henry Peter
Scientific publications

"Triggering events for recovery and resolution plans: towards better financial crisis management", Publication des actes de la journée "Quo Vadis - Finanzplatz Schweiz", in RSDA 6/2013, pp. 536 à 553. Co-Author: Lias Pnevmonidis

Prof. Dr. Henry Peter
Scientific publications

"L'istituzione della revocazione ex artt. 285-292 LEF: novità e tendenze", Sviluppi e orientamenti del diritto esecutivo federale, Pubblicazione della Commissione ticinese per la formazione permanente dei giuristi (CFPG), Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2012, pp. 91 to 133. Co-Author: Alain Jaquet

Prof. Dr. Henry Peter
Scientific publications

"L'administrateur fiduciaire", in Journée Cedidac 2010 de droit de l'entreprise, 2012, pp. 1 à 20

Prof. Dr. Henry Peter

Kellerhals Carrard

Basel ∣ Bern ∣ Geneva ∣ Lausanne ∣ Lugano ∣ Sion ∣ Zurich

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