Dr. Reto Schumacher

Partner, Commercial Lawyer, Dr. LL.M. in Corporate Law, New York University (NYU), USA Admitted to the bar of Canton Lucerne lic. iur., University of Bern

Experienced commercial lawyer with entrepreneurial mindset and constructive solutions. Delighted to support domestic and international clients no matter how challenging the issue.


Reto Schumacher advises domestic and international clients on M&A transactions (including agreements of understanding, due diligence, contract negotiations, signing and closing of purchase agreements and integrations), corporate law, capital market law, contract law and real estate law.

In addition, Reto Schumacher advises companies and executives on restructuring, cross-border transactions and relocations.



  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish


  • Since 2019: Partner at Kellerhals Carrard
  • 2006–2019: Manager, Senior Manager, Director at KPMG AG
  • 2004–2005: Associate at Vischer Attorneys and Notaries
  • 2000–2002: Associate at Niederer Kraft & Frey Attorneys
  • 1999: Legal intern at Schumacher von Segesser Schaffhauser Attorneys and Notaries
  • 1998: Legal intern at Luzern-Land District Court
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
  • UZH Ius Alumni


  • 2005: Thesis, University of Zurich
  • 2004: LL.M. in Corporate Law, New York University (NYU), USA
  • 2000: Admitted to the bar of Canton Lucerne
  • 1998: lic. iur., University of Bern

Further publications

Further publicationsPublications

Die Vermögensübertragung nach dem Fusionsgesetz

Dr. Reto Schumacher
Further publicationsPublications

Vertrauenshaftung und ihre Grenzen (BGE 130 III 345)

Dr. Reto Schumacher
Further publicationsPublications

Auskunft und Einsicht im Konzern (BGE 132 III 71)

Dr. Reto Schumacher
Further publicationsPublications

Cash Pooling – Darlehen an Konzerngesellschaften; Einlagenrückgewähr – Rechtliche Zulässigkeit – Risiken

Dr. Reto Schumacher
Further publicationsPublications

Kollektive Kapitalanlagen für qualifizierte Anleger in Immobilien

Dr. Reto Schumacher
Further publicationsPublications

Asset Swap im Immobilienbereich – ein neuer Trend bei Pensionskassen

Dr. Reto Schumacher



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CH-8024 Zürich

Tel. +41 58 200 39 00
Fax +41 58 200 39 11

Kellerhals Carrard

Basel ∣ Bern ∣ Geneva ∣ Lausanne ∣ Lugano ∣ Sion ∣ Zurich

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