Martin Molina
Attorney at Law, Partner, lic. iur., LL.M
Dispute resolution partner focusing on commercial disputes in the commodity trading, construction, energy and life sciences sectors.
Martin Molina’s practice focuses on commercial litigation and arbitration in a variety of economic sectors including commodity trading, construction, energy and life sciences. In addition to representing clients before state courts and arbitral tribunals, he regularly sits as arbitrator. Martin also advises clients in relation to commercial contracts.
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
Further publications
Commentary on Art. 31 to 33 Swiss Rules (Decisions; Form and Effect of the Award; Applicable Law, Amiable Compositeur)
Martin MolinaCommentary on Art. 188 and 189 PILS (Partial Award; Arbitral Award)
Martin MolinaSwiss Federal Supreme Court Annuls Belated Award of "Resigning" Arbitrator – A Curse in Disguise? (comments on decision 4A_490/2013 of 28 January 2014 = BGE/ATF 140 III 75)
Martin MolinaConferences
4. July 2019
Arbitraje en España y Suiza bajo el Reglamento suizo de arbitraje internacional, Aspectos distintivos: Procedimiento abreviado y procedimiento de emergencia
Martin Molina2016-20-05
"Ever more Standards and a Claim for more Transparency – Is international arbitration still the premier international dispute resolution mechanism?
Martin Molina5. August 2015
Eficiencia en el arbitraje: mito y realidad
Martin Molina2014-24-03
Composition irrégulière du tribunal arbitral – un état des lieux
Martin Molina5. August 2014
Financial Disputes: Is there a need for Arbitration?
Martin Molina2013-21-01
Revision des 12. Kapitels IPRG, Art. 7 IPRG
Martin MolinaContact
Rämistrasse 5
CH-8024 Zürich
Tel. +41 58 200 39 00
Fax +41 58 200 39 11