Dr. Lukas Bopp
Attorney at Law, Partner, LL.M.
Insolvency law specialist and experienced litigator. He solves cases where others are at a loss.
Lukas Bopp is a proven insolvency specialist. He has spent years advising and guiding companies in developing and implementing insolvency measures. As a litigator, he conducts civil litigation before all state courts.
- German
- English
- French
Further publications
Basler Kommentar zum IPRG, Kommentierung von Art. 59-65d IPRG
Dr. Milena Grob, Dr. Lukas Bopp2020
Distressed M&A, in: Switzerland in Swiss M&A Practice Guide, 2nd ed., London 2020 (zusammen mit Lukas Bopp)
Dr. Lukas Bopp, Dr. Emanuel Dettwiler2020
Insolvenzrechtliche Massnahmen zur Bewältigung der Corona-Krise
Dr. Lukas Bopp2020
Distressed M&A in Switzerland (zus. Mit Emanuel Dettwiler), in Practice Guides Swiss M&A 2020
Dr. Lukas Bopp2020
Kommentierung von Art. 59-65d, 174b und 175 IPRG in: Grolimund/Loacker/Schnyder (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar zum IPRG, 4. Aufl., Basel 2020
Dr. Lukas Bopp2017-29-05
Vergleichskompetenz der Konkursmasse
Dr. Milena Grob, Dr. Lukas BoppConferences
The Thin Line Between Solvency and Insolvency: Issues of Corporate Governance in a Distressed Context
Dr. Lukas Bopp2008
Vollstreckung der Bussen nach Entsendegesetz im Ausland
Dr. Lukas Bopp2006
Verantwortlichkeit von VR-Mitgliedern
Dr. Lukas Bopp2006
Internationale Scheidungen
Dr. Lukas BoppContact
Henric Petri-Strasse 35
P.O. Box 257
CH-4010 Basel
Tel. +41 58 200 30 00
Fax +41 58 200 30 11