Dr. Emanuel Dettwiler
Lawyers love to talk about issues - I prefer to provide solutions.
An experienced M&A and corporate lawyer, Emanuel Dettwiler advises clients on a wide range of international and domestic, public and private, transactions. His particular focus lies on distressed M&A transactions and restructurings, where he regularly supports clients in challenging situations. His clients are active in various industries, mainly in life sciences, technology, and IT. He also advises on demanding corporate law topics and assists clients in both equity and debt financing matters as well as selected contract law issues. He regularly publishes and lectures in his areas of expertise. An active member in a number of international associations and alliances, Emanuel enjoys a strong international network. As a former management consultant, Emanuel has an in-depth understanding of the commercial aspects of problems presented to him and honors the real needs of demanding corporate clients.
- German
- English
- French
- Spanish
Practice Areas
Further publications
Kaufvertrag (Purchase Agreement), in: Jörg/Gnos/Olgiati (Hrsg.), Mergers & Acquisitions, Basel 2022 (zusammen mit Reto Schuhmacher)
Dr. Emanuel DettwilerDistressed M&A, in: Switzerland in Swiss M&A Practice Guide, 2nd ed., London 2020 (zusammen mit Lukas Bopp)
Dr. Lukas Bopp, Dr. Emanuel DettwilerKommentierung von Art. 697i – m und Art. 704a OR, in: Honsell/Vogt/Watter (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar OR II, Basel 2016 (zusammen mit Markus Hess)
Dr. Emanuel DettwilerDer Entwurf des Zweitwohnungsgesetzes, Die Ausnahme als Regel, in: SJZ 110 (2014), S. 341 ff.
Dr. Emanuel DettwilerContact
Henric Petri-Strasse 35
P.O. Box 257
CH-4010 Basel
Tel. +41 58 200 30 00
Fax +41 58 200 30 11
Dr. Emanuel Dettwiler
Tel. +41 58 200 30 27
Fax +41 58 200 30 11