Dr. Armin Kühne

Partner, Attorney at Law, Dr. iur.

My clients describe me as a solution-oriented and experienced legal adviser with a high level of specialist expertise, who achieves optimum results while taking individual client needs into account.



Armin Kühne’s practice focuses on providing legal advice to regulated financial institutions in the areas of asset management, banking law, insurance law, financial market enforcement and anti-money laundering in connection with regulatory, corporate law and contract law matters.

Another focus of his work is the conducting of licensing procedures and restructuring for supervised financial institutions, collective investment schemes, and investment foundations, as well as the clarification of licensing obligations under financial market law. He also provides legal advice in connection with organizational issues (ICS, risk management, compliance, corporate governance, etc.) and the drafting and amendment of contracts, corporate documents, and the internal rules of supervised financial institutions.

Armin Kühne is a member of the online platform FIDLEG SOLUTION, a fintech solution for ensuring compliance with FIDLEG/FINIG.




  • German
  • English
  • French
"Armin Kuehne is very client-focused." Chambers Global 2024
"Armin Kuehne provides excellent representation." Chambers Global 2024
"Armin Kuehne has strong practical knowledge." Chambers Global 2024
"Armin Kühne is a legal attorney with an excellent record, extensive experience and outstanding analytical skills." The Legal500 2024
"Armin Kühne is well connected in the fund and asset management industry and with relevant Swiss authorities. Therefore, he has a great overview on market practices. " The Legal500 2024


Ranking & Awards
Further Activities
  • Recommended by Who's Who Legal in their Investment Management Switzerland report.
  • Recognised by The Legal500 as a Key Lawyer in Banking & Finance: Zurich.
  • Recognised by Chambers Europe since 2016 and Chambers Global since 2022 in Investment Funds.
  • Highly commended by Leaders League for Banking & Finance and Fund Structuring.
  • Since 2013: Partner at Kellerhals Carrard Zurich
  • 1997–2013: KPMG Legal, Zurich
  • 2003: McGrigors, London
  • 1994–1996: Hinwil District Court
  • 2002: Dr. iur., University of Zurich (thesis “Licensing requirements pursuant to the Investment Schemes Act”)
  • 1997: Admitted to the bar in Canton Zurich
  • 1994: lic. iur., University of Fribourg
  • Lecturer at the Institute of Banking and Finance and the Europa Institute, University of Zurich
  • Member of the Legal and Compliance Technical Committee of the Asset Management Association (AMAS) since 2006
  • Lecturer on various courses at Fund Academy AG; member of its Examination Board and chairman of its Appeal Committee


ConferencesSpeaking Engagements
seit 2012

Vorlesungen am Institut für Banking und Finance der Universität Zürich zum Thema "Indirekte Immobilienanlagen" seit 2012

Dr. Armin Kühne
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements
seit 2004

Dozent an Weiterbildungs-Lehrgängen der Fund Academy AG, insbesondere seit 2004 im Rahmen des Lehrgangs Dipl. Swiss Fund Officer zu den Themen „Fondsrecht Schweiz: Funktionsträger" und „Regulierung des Fondsvertriebs" sowie jeweils ein Q&A Workshop pro Lehrgang

Dr. Armin Kühne
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements
ab 2014

Leitung der Seminarreihe "Aktuelles zum Kollektivanlagenrecht" am Europa Institut der Universität Zürich

Dr. Armin Kühne
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

Referent an den Seminaren "Entwicklungen im Recht der kollektiven Kapitalanlagen XIII" und "Entwicklungen im Recht der kollektiven Kapitalanlagen IX" der Universität St. Gallen

Dr. Armin Kühne
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

Referent der Tagung "Neuorganisation des Schweizer Finanzmarktrechts durch FIDLEG und FINIG" der Stiftung Juristische Weiterbildung Zürich

Dr. Armin Kühne
ConferencesSpeaking Engagements

Referent an der Tagung "Aktuelle Praxis des Auftragsrechts" der Stiftung Juristische Weiterbildung Zürich

Dr. Armin Kühne



Rämistrasse 5
CH-8024 Zürich

Tel. +41 58 200 39 00
Fax +41 58 200 39 11

Kellerhals Carrard

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