Insurance and Liability

Customer-oriented, high-quality legal advice from experienced insurance lawyers

Kellerhals Carrard is your point of contact for insurance and liability law. A large team of specialists and litigation attorneys will support you with their long-term industry experience and pragmatic solutions. The team is led by Christoph Frey, Specialist SAV Liability and Insurance Law, Zurich, and Prof. Dr. Pascal Grolimund, Basel.

We advise and represent insurance companies, reinsurance companies, insured and liable companies, brokers, interest groups, professional liability persons, responsible bodies and supervisory authorities.

As a member of Insuralex (, a global network of independent insurance lawyers, Kellerhals Carrard offers comprehensive services to its international clients.


Private insurance law

  • Claims settlement in all insurance divisions
  • Representation in state courts and arbitration tribunals
  • Contractual arrangements in the field of direct insurance and reinsurance
  • Coverage and liability analyses
  • Recourses
  • Analysis of national and international insurance programs
  • Support in the development of insurance products



Liability law

  • Advice and legal representation in the field of contractual and non-contractual liability
  • Directors and officers liability (D&O)
  • Complex personal injury and coordination
  • State liability
  • Professional liability (especially doctor’s and hospital liability as well as lawyer’s liability)
  • Product liability, motor vehicle liability
  • Liabilities with regard to new technologies, such as cyber and artificial intelligence (AI)



Regulatory legislation

  • Advice and assistance in setting up insurance companies or branch offices
  • Setting up and structuring investment products
  • Representation in FINMA proceedings
  • Legal clarifications and expert opinions for insurance companies, associations and brokers on regulatory issues.



Social insurance law

  • Representation of accident and daily sickness allowance insurance
  • Health insurance companies
  • Occupational pensions, in particular support in drawing up regulations (such as pension, partial liquidation, organizational and investment regulations)
  • Management of pension funds; support of compensation funds
  • Recourses
  • Advising pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers as well as hospitals and doctors, etc. on issues relating to remuneration and reimbursement within social health insurance

Further publications

Further publicationsPublications

Basler Kommentar zum Unfallversicherungsgesetz, Kommentierung von Art. 1 und 1a UVG

Dr. Milena Grob, Laura Manz
Further publicationsPublications

Streitbeilegungsklauseln im internationalen Vertragsrecht, Versicherungsrecht

Dr. Milena Grob, Prof. Dr. Pascal Grolimund
Further publicationsLegal News
26. September 2001

Arbeitsrecht und Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen, in: Handelszeitung N. 39, 26. September 2001, p. 31

Christoph Frey
Further publicationsLegal News
24. May 2000

Versicherungsbetrug immer noch ein Kavaliersdelikt, in: Handelszeitung Nr. 21, 24. Mai 2000, p. 29

Christoph Frey


29. November 2019

Cyber Insurance in Switzerland – Update and Development; Speech on the occasion of Insuralex Regional Meeting Frankfurt a. Main and at the International Cyber-Insurance Conference & European member meeting on November 29, 2019 in Frankfurt a. Main

Christoph Frey
2. October 2017

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Transaktionsversicherungen; Referat / KC Info-Event, Durchblick im Versicherungsrecht vom 2. Oktober 2017 in Zürich

Christoph Frey
5. September 2017

Reinsurance Contracts in Switzerland - Introductory Remarks; Speech at the LATCAM - Business Round-Table on "The Argentinian Insurance and Re-Insurance Market", hosted by KC Zurich, on 5 September 2017

Christoph Frey
21. September 2016

Cyber Risks: Haftung und Versicherbarkeit; Referat / KC Info-Event, Durchblick im Versicherungsrecht vom 21. September 2016 in Zürich

Christoph Frey



Die Haftung für Umweltschäden, in: Gerling Magazin, Sept. 1993

Christoph Frey

Wie stark beeinflusst das neue Produktehaftpflichtgesetz Schweizer Unternehmen? in: Gerling Magazin, August 1994

Christoph Frey

Kellerhals Carrard

Basel ∣ Bern ∣ Geneva ∣ Lausanne ∣ Lugano ∣ Sion ∣ Zurich

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