Christoph Frey
He has extensive experience in advising and representing clients in claims handling and in complex proceedings concerning contentious liability issues and controversial insurance cover in financial lines, D&O, professional indemnity, including lawyer’s liability and medical malpractice.
Christoph Frey and his team provide an enhanced level of legal support for insurance companies, brokers and insured parties advising on policy wording and coverage issues. Christoph Frey has a wealth of expertise in claims handling arising from all classes of liability policies, including financial lines, D&O, and professional negligence. Recent instructions include the successful defense of a D&O insurer in proceedings on coverage and the initiation of proceedings against a cyber insurer under an international program.
He regularly represents insurers and insured professionals in high-profile disputes. His qualification as a specialized attorney in torts and insurance law gives him a very comprehensive and notable experience in a variety of private insurance matters including the coordination with all sorts of liability and social insurance.
Christoph Frey is a member of Insuralex, a worldwide network of independent lawyers practicing insurance and reinsurance law. He is also the author and responsible editor of ius.focus for torts and private insurance law.
- German
- English
- French
Practice Areas
Scientific publications
Kommentierung von Art. 33 VAG, Elementarschadenversicherung, in: Hsu, Peter Ch. / Stupp, Eric (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar zum Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz, Basel 2013, 478–512
Christoph FreyKommentierung von Art. 15 und 16 ATSG, in: Frésard-Fellay, Klett, Leuzinger (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar Allgemeiner Teil des Sozialversicherungsrechts, Basel 2020. Co-Autorin: Nathalie Lang
Christoph FreyFurther publications
Arbeitsrecht und Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen, in: Handelszeitung N. 39, 26. September 2001, p. 31
Christoph FreyVersicherungsbetrug immer noch ein Kavaliersdelikt, in: Handelszeitung Nr. 21, 24. Mai 2000, p. 29
Christoph FreyVorzeitige Rückgabe von Leasingfahrzeugen, in: Handelszeitung Nr. 28, 14. Juli 1999, S. 20
Christoph FreyWenn Manager zur Kasse gebeten werden, in: Handelszeitung Nr. 47, 18. November 1998, S. 26
Christoph FreyWie haftet der Schweizer Unternehmer für Umweltschäden in der Schweiz? in: Management-Information 93 - 08, Institut für Versicherungswirtschaft an der Hochschule St. Gallen
Christoph FreyConferences
Cyber Insurance in Switzerland – Update and Development; Speech on the occasion of Insuralex Regional Meeting Frankfurt a. Main and at the International Cyber-Insurance Conference & European member meeting on November 29, 2019 in Frankfurt a. Main
Christoph FreyRechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Transaktionsversicherungen; Referat / KC Info-Event, Durchblick im Versicherungsrecht vom 2. Oktober 2017 in Zürich
Christoph FreyReinsurance Contracts in Switzerland - Introductory Remarks; Speech at the LATCAM - Business Round-Table on "The Argentinian Insurance and Re-Insurance Market", hosted by KC Zurich, on 5 September 2017
Christoph FreyCyber Risks: Haftung und Versicherbarkeit; Referat / KC Info-Event, Durchblick im Versicherungsrecht vom 21. September 2016 in Zürich
Christoph FreyDirectors' and Officers' Liability (D&O)
Christoph FreyMedia
Die Haftung für Umweltschäden, in: Gerling Magazin, Sept. 1993
Christoph FreyWie stark beeinflusst das neue Produktehaftpflichtgesetz Schweizer Unternehmen? in: Gerling Magazin, August 1994
Christoph FreyContact
Rämistrasse 5
CH-8024 Zürich
Tel. +41 58 200 39 00
Fax +41 58 200 39 11