Dr. Claudio Helmle
“Claudio has very good knowledge of Swiss life sciences law and he is very nice to work with.” - Client in Chambers Europe 2022
Claudio Helmle is a recognized expert in the field of life sciences. His areas of expertise specifically include the pharmaceutical and biotech fields (e.g. authorizations and approvals, inclusion of products in the federally approved drugs list, reimbursement for advanced therapy medicinal products, advertising and product recalls) and medtech (e.g. authorization, labeling and obligations of economic players). Claudio is also active in the healthcare sector (e.g. official licenses for doctors, practices and hospitals to practice their profession and for their work to be covered by the social health insurance). He advises and represents clients from these sectors in all legal matters concerning their professional activities, and specifically matters of research and development, manufacturing and sales. He also advises his clients in the areas of (product) liability law, antitrust and competition law, contract law, general civil and administrative law, as well as national and international civil procedure laws.
Claudio is listed as a life sciences expert in the Chambers and Partners and Who is Who Legal international lawyer directories.
- German
- English
Further publications
Anwaltskosten als Mehrkosten, Besprechung des Urteils des Bundesgerichts 8C_730/2012 vom 28. März 2013, in: ius focus Juli 2013
Dr. Claudio HelmleKeine Haftung des Werkeigentümers für nicht voraussehbares Fehlverhalten, Besprechung des Urteils des Bundesgerichts 4A_265/2013 vom 22. Januar 2013, in: ius focus August 2013 (Coautor mit Thomas Eichenberger)
Dr. Claudio HelmleVorsorgliche Beweisführung in einem Verfahren gegen eine Haftpflichtversicherung, Besprechung des Urteils des Bundesgerichts 4A_225/2013 (BGE 140 III 16) vom 14. November 2013, in: ius focus Januar 2014
Dr. Claudio HelmleConferences
Preisfestsetzung in der SL – Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Referat gehalten am Seminar „Life Sciences" des EuropaInstituts der Universität Zürich vom 29. Oktober 2015
Dr. Claudio HelmleArzneimittelpreisfestsetzung – neuste Entwicklungen, Referat gehalten am Seminar „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich Life Sciences" des EuropaInstituts der Universität Zürich vom 3. Oktober 2017
Dr. Claudio HelmleContact
Effingerstrasse 1
CH-3001 Bern
Tel. +41 58 200 35 00
Fax +41 58 200 35 11
Dr. Claudio Helmle
Tel. +41 58 200 35 38
Fax +41 58 200 35 11