IT Security and Cybercrime
The threat of cyber-attacks has intensified significantly for businesses and supply chains in recent years. Rising to these challenges calls for good IT security and resilience, which in turn require proactive cybersecurity programs that adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and, in particular, satisfy the requirements of data protection law, organizational policies and the workplace and supervisory regulations of the company concerned (cybersecurity by design). In reactive terms, it means responding appropriately to ongoing cyber-attacks—including cybersecurity investigations, crisis and continuity management, and resolving problems after an incident—while also taking into consideration the company’s associated responsibilities and the people affected.

Our lawyers cover a variety of fields and provide advice on all areas of IT security and cybercrime. Where necessary, they can also draw on a network of qualified technical advisors and international cooperative partners. We take a holistic approach to providing advice. Our response times are short and our solutions leverage our team members’ years of in-house experience.
Our experience encompasses analyzing cyber risks, drawing up incident response plans, cybersecurity training and crisis management for both larger and smaller enterprises, in particular within the sectors of finance, insurance, healthcare and life sciences, IMT, capital goods and logistics.