Dr. Bernhard Berger

Avvocato, partner, LL.M. (Harvard)

One of the leading arbitrators in Switzerland. – Chambers Global


Chi sono

Bernhard codirige l’area di attività di arbitrato di Kellerhals Carrard, concentrandosi sull’arbitrato internazionale e sul contenzioso commerciale. Le sue aree di competenza includono agenzia, distribuzione, licenze, franchising, joint venture, transazioni M&A, petrolio e gas, costruzioni e vendite internazionali di beni. È frequentemente scelto come arbitro di parte e presidente di arbitrati internazionali. La sua esperienza si estende ai procedimenti secondo le norme ICC, la normativa svizzera, le norme LCIA, SIAC, la normativa di altre istituzioni, arbitrati ad hoc e di investimento.

Bernhard ha conseguito un LL.M. presso la Harvard Law School (2001), un Ph.D. (2000) e una laurea in giurisprudenza (1997) all’Università di Berna. È abilitato a esercitare al foro svizzero (1997).

Bernhard è autore di numerose pubblicazioni in materia di arbitrato commerciale internazionale, procedura civile e diritto commerciale, tra cui il noto libro «International and Domestic Arbitration in Switzerland» (quarta edizione, 2021).




  • Tedesco
  • Inglese
  • Francese


Ranking & Awards
Altre attività
  • Chambers Global (2024): "Academically and legally he is one of top practitioners in Switzerland. He is relaxed, making a good atmosphere, but has sufficient gravitas to keep the parties in order."

  • Legal 500 (2024): "Bernhard Berger: One of the best arbitration practitioners with a solid command of procedural issues."

  • Chambers Global (2023): „Bernhard Berger has notable experience in construction and contractual arbitrations. He acts as both arbitrator and arbitration counsel."
  • Chambers Global (2022): „Bernhard Berger is uniformly acknowledged for his arbitration expertise, frequently acting as an arbitrator over a range of disputes, including post-M&A cases. He also represents clients in ICC arbitrations. A source reports: 'He grasps the relevant issues very quickly and is very well organised.'“
  • Chambers Global (2021): „Bernhard Berger has a 'brilliant legal mind', according to interviewees. He is uniformly acknowledged for his arbitration expertise, frequently acting as an arbitrator over a range of disputes, including post-M&A and construction cases. He also represents clients in ICC arbitrations. One impressed source describes him as 'calm, friendly, organised and well prepared'.“
  • Legal 500 (2020): „Bernhard Berger is a very respected and well-versed arbitrator; great attention to details while not losing the big picture.“
  • Chambers Global (2020): „Bernhard Berger acts as both counsel and arbitrator in international arbitrations, with further expertise in acting as chairman of the arbitral tribunal. He also represents clients in procurement disputes. Interviewees report that he is 'very quick and combines excellent legal knowledge with a business mindset.' One impressed source describes him as 'very thorough, very well prepared, with a very high level of integrity and very robust intellectually'.“
  • Chambers Global (2019): „Bernhard Berger is highly regarded as a chairman for arbitral tribunals, with commentators describing him as 'one of the leading arbitrators in Switzerland,' and highlight his 'good preparation and sound legal understanding.' His cases include breach of contract and commercial agreement arbitrations. In addition Berger acts as counsel on set-aside proceedings and procurement arbitrations, often representing the respondents.“
  • Chambers Global (2018): „According to one client, Bernhard Berger is a 'pleasure to work with' and 'perfectly combines pragmatism, efficiency and profound scholarly knowledge'.“
  • Chambers Global (2017): „Bernhard Berger is an arbitration expert acting as counsel and serving as arbitrator. One source says he 'really is excellent,' with another adding: 'He did everything possible you can do on an arbitration case with incredible calmness. I would recommend him anytime.' He focuses on corporate and commercial disputes.“
  • Dal 2009: Partner presso Kellerhals Carrard
  • 2001 – 2008: Associato presso Kellerhals
  • 1997 – 2000: Assistente di ricerca e d’insegnamento alla Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Berna, Institute for Banking Law
  • Associazione degli avvocati bernesi (BAV)
  • Federazione Svizzera degli Avvocati (FSA)
  • Associazione svizzera di Arbitrato
  • London Court of International Arbitration
  • Istituto tedesco per l’arbitrato
  • 2001: LL.M., Harvard Law School
  • 2000: Ph.D. (Dott. iur.), Università di Berna Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Premio Walther Hug (2001)
  • 1997: Laurea in giurisprudenza, Università di Berna, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza


  • Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione del Swiss Arbitration Centre
  • Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’ASA (Associazione svizzera di arbitrato; vicepresidente 2013-2020)
  • Membro del Tribunale arbitrale e del Comitato speciale della Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution (SCAI; 2009-2019)
  • Docente alla facoltà di giurisprudenza dell’Università di Berna (2007-2014)
  • Docente alla Schweizerischen Richterakademie (SRA) / Académie Suisse de la magistrature (ACSM), Università di Lucerna (dal 2009)
  • Membro del comitato editoriale del Bulletin ASA
  • Membro del comitato editoriale della Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins (dal 2005)
  • Honorary Legal Advisor to His Majesty's Ambassador at the British Embassy Berne (dal 2017)


Contributi scientifici

Contributi scientificiCommentari

Articles 7 and 186 of the Swiss Private International Law Act, in: Regina E. Aebi-Müller/Christoph Müller (Eds.), Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Art. 176-194 IPRG sowie Art. 7 und 196 IPRG, Berner Kommentar, Bern 2022. Co-Author: Olivier Mosimann

Dr. Bernhard Berger



Effingerstrasse 1
CH-3001 Bern

Tel. +41 58 200 35 00
Fax +41 58 200 35 11