Dr. Karim Maizar
Karim is a partner in our Zurich office with a passion for start-ups. As co-founder and head of the firm’s Startup Desk, he has led the firm’s efforts to establish itself as one of the leading Swiss law firms for entrepreneurs and their investors who push the boundaries of technology and drive market-changing innovations.
In his role, Karim works with many of Switzerland’s most promising technology and life sciences start-ups at all stages of their growth, from university spin-offs and initial seed rounds to growth financing rounds and exit transactions.
He also has extensive experience in advising VCs, strategic investors (including CVCs) and business angels as part of their engagement with Swiss high-tech startups. Karim is a regular speaker in his field and holds workshops for founders throughout Switzerland. He is a member of the board of directors of the Swiss Entrepreneurs & Startup Association (SWESA), a member of the Legal & Tax Chapter of the Swiss Private Equity and Corporate Finance Association (SECA) and a member of the jury of the annual Swiss Top100 Startup Awards.
His unswerving commitment to start-ups and venture capital transactions and his enthusiasm for the Swiss start-up ecosystem have earned him considerable recognition in the market for his practice. In 2019 he was named one of Switzerland’s “Top 100 Digital Shapers” by Bilanz/Handelszeitung/Le Temps. He is also ranked in Chambers Global in the field of Corporate/M&A as “a go-to person for startup and growth investments in Switzerland."
- German
- English
Further publications
EU-Aufsicht für schweizerische Gesellschaften?, in: , Nr. 240, S. 31
Dr. Karim MaizarDie Verordnung gegen übermässige Vergütungen bei börsenkotierten Aktiengesellschaften (VegüV) im europäischen Kontext, in: Festschrift Beiträge zum Handelsrecht 2015
Dr. Karim MaizarKommentierung der Art. 663bbis, 663c, 727, 727a, 727b, 727c, 728c und 729c sowie Art. 816 und 906 f. OR in: Heinrich Honsell/Nedim Peter Vogt/Rolf Watter (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar zum Obligationenrecht II, 4. Auflage
Dr. Karim MaizarDie Willensbildung und Beschlussfassung der Aktionäre in schweizerischen Publikumsgesellschaften: Grundlagen – Analysen – Ansätze einer Reform, Diss. Zürich 2012
Dr. Karim MaizarNews
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