Susanna Baumgartner Morin

Attorney at Law, Counsel, lic. iur., MMed

With an interdisciplinary background and a connected mindset, she serves as a point of contact for her clientele, offering intelligent and pragmatic solutions to complex issues.


Susanna Baumgartner Morin has extensive experience in regulatory and compliance issues and is a recognized expert in the field of life sciences. With a degree in medicine and previous work at the Federal Office of Public Health, she advises Swiss and international companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medtech, and food industries, as well as healthcare professionals, on all aspects of their business activities with a deep understanding of their needs. Susanna Baumgartner Morin also specializes in providing legal representation for her clients in administrative, criminal, and civil proceedings.



  • German
  • French
  • English


  • Since 2023: Counsel, Kellerhals Carrard, Basel
  • 2022: Senior Associate, Kellerhals Carrard, Basel
  • 2019–2020: Deputy section head and research associate, Section Further Development of Health Professions, FOPH
  • 2013–2019: Clerk, Court of Appeal Basel-Stadt
  • 2008–2011: Research assistant, Chair of Private Law, Prof. J.-F. Stöckli, Faculty of Law at the University of Basel
  • 2006: Associate, VISCHER AG, Basel
  • 2005–2006: Clerk, Civil Court of Basel-Stadt
  • 2004–2005: Research assistant, Chair of International Law, Prof. Anne Peters, Faculty of Law at the University of Basel
  • 2003–2004: Internships at the Criminal Court and Civil Court of Basel-Stadt
  • 2002–2003: Traineeship, Wenger Plattner, Basel
  • 2000–2001: Research Associate, Guardianship Authorities Municipality of Oberwil (BL)
  • 2000–2001: Deputy Municipal Administrator, Municipality of Oberwil (BL)
  • 2014: Master of Medicine (MMed), Med. Faculty University of Basel
  • 2005: Admitted to the bar, Canton Basel-Stadt
  • 2002: Licentiate in Law (lic.iur.) Faculty of Law at the University of Basel



Henric Petri-Strasse 35
P.O. Box 257
CH-4010 Basel

Tel. +41 58 200 30 00
Fax +41 58 200 30 11

Kellerhals Carrard

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