Edgar Philippin
'Knowledge is incomplete without action, because knowledge is the tree and action is the fruit.'
Edgar Philippin focuses on advising Swiss and international companies and organizations, particularly in the areas of corporate law, M&A transactions and commercial contracts. His experience also extends to domestic and international arbitration, mainly as an arbitrator or expert on Swiss law issues. As a professor at the University of Lausanne, his main areas of teaching and research are mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers, as well as general principles of private law.
- French
- Italian
- English
- German
Further publications
« Art. 1 » in Corona-Kredite für KMU. Umsetzung des Massnahmenpakets und Kommentierung des Covid-19-Solidarbürgschaftsgesetzes
Dr. Beat Brechbühl, Jean-Luc Chenaux, Prof. Dr. Thomas Nösberger, Edgar PhilippinLe conseil d'administration en temps de crise
Jean-Luc Chenaux, Edgar PhilippinGouvernance coopérative. Lignes directrices
Jean-Luc Chenaux, Dr. Beat Brechbühl, Prof. Dr. Thomas Nösberger, Edgar PhilippinLe conseil d'administration en temps de crise
Jean-Luc Chenaux, Edgar PhilippinConferences
« La responsabilité des organes en droit de la société anonyme » (en ligne).
Edgar Philippin« Legge COVID-19. Aspetti aziendali »
Edgar Philippin« Réflexions en droit des sociétés à partir de deux arrêts récents »
Edgar Philippin« Le azioni di responsabilità nel diritto della società anonima »
Edgar Philippin« Confidentiality of documents in international arbitration »
Edgar PhilippinContact
Place Saint-François 1
P.O. Box
CH-1001 Lausanne
Phone +41 58 200 33 00
Fax +41 58 200 33 11
Edgar Philippin
Tel. +41 58 200 33 10
Fax +41 58 200 33 11