We are thrilled to be recognized once again by Chambers and Partners in their 2024 Global guide which ranks the top lawyers and law firms in over 200 jurisdictions across the world.
The firm continues to be commended for its expertise in Arbitration, Corporate/M&A, Investment Funds and Litigation. Leading lawyers Bernhard Berger, Luca Bianchi, Beat Brechbühl, Armin Kühne, Olivier Mosimann, Dominik Oberholzer and Ines Pöschel are highly ranked within their area of expertise.
We are particularly pleased that Karim Maizar newly entered the Corporate/M&A ranking.
We thank our clients, colleagues and business partners and everyone involved in these results.
To the complete Chambers Global Guide 2024 rankings.
The Chambers Global guide ranks the leading lawyers and law firms based on in-depth research and feedback from clients and peers.