7. September 2022Juristische AktualitätAllgemeines

Private Wealth Seminar on recent developments in Swiss Law


On September 6th, several members of Kellerhals Carrard’s Private Client Practice Group (Peter Schatz, Nicolas Gillard, Ingrid Iselin, Annette Spycher, Costante Ghielmetti and Victor Argand) held a seminar on recent developments in Swiss Law at l’Oscar hotel, in London. Participants were briefed on the current developments in Swiss inheritance law, the draft Swiss Trust law, taxation issues as well on marital property law.

The conference was well frequented with a highly specialized audience, and the apéro that followed was a great way to deepen the interesting topics.


Kellerhals Carrard

Basel ∣ Bern ∣ Genf ∣ Lausanne ∣ Lugano ∣ Sion ∣ Zürich

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